The John Wick franchise took the world by storm almost a decade ago, surprising audiences and critics alike. With its unique blend of stylish action sequences and compelling storytelling, the series quickly became a hit, grossing over $1 billion worldwide. The latest installment, John Wick 4, seemed to conclude the assassin’s adventures, but director Chad Stahelski has different plans in mind. In a recent interview with Inverse, Stahelski revealed that he has numerous ideas for future John Wick sequels, as well as a prequel series titled The Continental. However, amidst the excitement, questions arise regarding the artistic integrity of the franchise and whether it risks turning into a mere cash grab.

Stahelski acknowledges the evolving nature of the John Wick films. He humorously describes the series as a “fever dream,” with each installment taking on a distinct genre. The first film sets a grounded tone, while the second becomes a rock opera, and the third a kung fu classic. According to Stahelski, the upcoming John Wick 4 will delve into the realm of a weird western samurai film, embracing its own brand of absurdity. While this evolution may excite some fans, others may question the direction the franchise is taking. Does it risk losing its initial appeal by succumbing to over-the-top, anime-like elements?

Stahelski explains that the John Wick films draw inspiration from mythological tales of gods and men. Just like a fantasy story, they explore themes of freedom, fate, and the blurred lines between life and death. The ending of John Wick 3, where John regains his freedom but faces an uncertain fate, reflects these deeper philosophical questions. Stahelski clarifies that the intention was not to end the franchise but to leave room for interpretation. However, it raises concerns whether the subsequent films will maintain the depth and substance of the earlier installments, or devolve into mere mindless entertainment.

The John Wick franchise is expanding beyond the main film series. Stahelski mentions two upcoming projects: The Continental TV show and The Ballerina. The Continental explores the shadowy world of assassins in more detail, while The Ballerina offers a fresh perspective on the female assassin introduced in John Wick 3. These projects hold promise, suggesting that the universe of John Wick can support a variety of stories and characters. However, the uncertain release dates due to ongoing strikes pose challenges, potentially dampening the momentum of the franchise.

Despite the striking ideas and concepts Stahelski has for future John Wick installments, he admits that the story is not yet fully developed. He has “notebooks and notebooks” filled with potential material for John Wick 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The challenge lies in transforming these ideas into a coherent and compelling narrative. Stahelski expresses his disinterest in creating films solely for financial gain, indicating that he values a strong story above all else. This declaration offers hope that the future John Wick films will continue to prioritize quality over quantity.

Stahelski emphasizes his admiration for the character of John Wick and the chemistry between Keanu Reeves and the role. If a good story presents itself, both he and Reeves are open to revisiting the world of John Wick. This statement suggests a genuine commitment to maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the franchise. Stahelski’s passion shines through, assuaging concerns that the continuation of the series may be a mere cash grab.

The future of the John Wick franchise remains uncertain but full of potential. Stahelski’s abundance of ideas and dedication to storytelling indicate that the possibility of creating compelling sequels and spin-offs is within reach. However, the artistic integrity and thematic depth that defined the earlier films must not be sacrificed in pursuit of box office success. The John Wick franchise has captivated audiences with its unique style and emotional resonance, and it is crucial to maintain these qualities as the series expands. With careful execution and a focus on quality, the future John Wick films can continue to amaze audiences and solidify the franchise’s place in cinematic history.


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